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Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox

Bulma is an open source CSS framework based on Flexbox and built with Sass. It's 100% responsive, fully modular, and available for free.
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Title Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
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jgthms 10 0.50 %
bulmaio 10 0.50 %
CSS 8 0.40 %
framework 8 0.40 %
Bootstrap 7 0.35 %
6 0.30 %
Flexbox 5 0.25 %
columns 5 0.25 %
Mobi 4 0.20 %
Jeremy 4 0.20 %
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SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
CSS framework 6 0.30 %
of Bulma 5 0.25 %
PDF Epub 4 0.20 %
is an 4 0.20 %
The official 4 0.20 %
to Bootstrap 4 0.20 %
Buy from 4 0.20 %
Epub Mobi 4 0.20 %
Bulma is 4 0.20 %
Jeremy Thomas 3 0.15 %
by Jeremy 3 0.15 %
from Bootstrap 3 0.15 %
more than 3 0.15 %
on Flexbox 3 0.15 %
based on 3 0.15 %
framework based 3 0.15 %
you want 3 0.15 %
Button button 3 0.15 %
alternative to 3 0.15 %
button isprimary 3 0.15 %

SEO Keywords (Three Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
PDF Epub Mobi 4 0.20 % No
alternative to Bootstrap 3 0.15 % No
Coming from Bootstrap 3 0.15 % No
based on Flexbox 3 0.15 % No
framework based on 3 0.15 % No
CSS framework based 3 0.15 % No
Bulma is an 3 0.15 % No
Button button isprimary 3 0.15 % No
by Jeremy Thomas 3 0.15 % No
from scratch using 2 0.10 % No
Formats available PDF 2 0.10 % No
using Bulma Formats 2 0.10 % No
interface from scratch 2 0.10 % No
web interface from 2 0.10 % No
Bulma Formats available 2 0.10 % No
a web interface 2 0.10 % No
build a web 2 0.10 % No
to build a 2 0.10 % No
how to build 2 0.10 % No
scratch using Bulma 2 0.10 % No

SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
framework based on Flexbox 3 0.15 % No
CSS framework based on 3 0.15 % No
from Or download a 2 0.10 % No
Jeremy Thomas creator of 2 0.10 % No
Mobi or Kindle PDF 2 0.10 % No
or Kindle PDF Epub 2 0.10 % No
Kindle PDF Epub Mobi 2 0.10 % No
PDF Epub Mobi Buy 2 0.10 % No
Epub Mobi Buy from 2 0.10 % No
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version Buy from Or 2 0.10 % No
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download a free sample 2 0.10 % No
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PDF Epub Mobi or 2 0.10 % No
by Jeremy Thomas creator 2 0.10 % No
???? by Jeremy Thomas 2 0.10 % No

Internal links in - bulma.io

Bulma Videos
Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Expo: beautiful websites designed Bulma
Love for Bulma ????
More | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Bulma start A tiny npm package to get started
Bulma start: a tiny npm package to get started with Bulma
Made with Bulma The official community badge
Made with Bulma badges
Coming from Bootstrap See how Bulma is an alternative to Bootstrap
Bulma: an alternative to Bootstrap
Patreon backers Everyone who is supporting Bulma
Backers via Patreon | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Bulma extensions Side projects to enhance Bulma
Extensions | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
100% Responsive Designed for mobile first
Responsiveness | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Modular Just import what you need
Modularity | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Modern Built with Flexbox
Columns powered by Flexbox | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
A growing community
Love for Bulma ????
So easy to learn
Modifiers syntax | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
So quick to customize
Customize | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
No JavaScript required
CSS classes | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Fullscreen vertical centering
Hero | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
And so much more
Getting started with Bulma | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Coming from Bootstrap An alternative to Bootstrap
Bulma: an alternative to Bootstrap
Expo See what you can build with Bulma
Expo: beautiful websites designed Bulma
Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Migrating to v0.7.0
Migrating to v0.7.0 | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Website redesign
Website redesign: clearer layout, easier navigation, better content, and much more! | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Font Awesome 5
Bulma supports Font Awesome 5 | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Overview | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Modifiers | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Columns | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Layout | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Form | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Elements | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Components | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Bulma start A tiny npm package to get started
Bulma start: a tiny npm package to get started with Bulma
Made with Bulma The official community badge
Made with Bulma badges
Patreon backers Everyone who is supporting Bulma
Backers via Patreon | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Bulma extensions Side projects to enhance Bulma
Extensions | Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox

Bulma.io Spined HTML

Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox Docs Documentation Videos Blog Expo LoveIncreasinglyBulma start A tiny npm package to get started Made with Bulma The official polity token Coming from Bootstrap See how Bulma is an volitional to Bootstrap Patreon backers Everyone who is supporting Bulma Bulma extensions Side projects to enhance Bulma Download Bulma is an unshut source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by increasingly than 100,000 developers. npm install bulmacopy Download v0.7.1 View docs Video by Vue Mastery 100% Responsive Designed for mobile first Modular Just import what you need Modern Built with Flexbox FreeUnshutsource on GitHub Sponsors Ads via Carbon The simplest grid system Just add columns, they will resize themselvesLargeston desktop This interactive tool works largest on larger screens! That's considering Bulma columns are vertical by default. I recommend revisiting this page later when you're on desktop. 😉 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Add post Remove <div class="columns"> <div class="column">1</div> <div class="column">2</div> <div class="column">3</div> <div class="column">4</div> <div class="column">5</div> </div> Info While it's possible to add as many columns as you want, it is recommended to stick with 12 columns. If you want smaller divisions, you can unchangingly nest columns. A growing polity See what Bulma fans are saying Jesse Schoff @jesseschoff Bulma, I think I'm in love. bulma.io via @jgthms 9:10 PM - 29 May 2017 1 14 Per Axbom @axbom I've spent a few hours now with the Bulma CSS framework and I have to say it's the most beautifully written framework I've overly had the pleasure of working with. Nice work @jgthms 👊 bulma.io #bulmaio 5:48 PM - 22 Feb 2018 3 8 Han Too Wan @UnMecRandom I've been pursuit Bulma for a while now and it's time to use it for real in a customized dashboard and I have to say: it is neat, sexy and lightweight (compared to Bootstrap). Thx @jgthms ! 😍  bulma.io #bulmaio 10:07 AM - 1 Feb 2018 3 Juan Carlos Andreu @andreujuanc Best css framework, wondrous implementation. No idea how I lived without this.bulma.io #bulmaio via @jgthms 3:11 PM - 4 Oct 2017 3 scottgallant @scottgallant bulma.io is an impressive CSS framework. Flexbox grid, no JS, modular components (use what you need), Sass.💯 @jgthms. 12:51 PM - 26 Feb 2017 3 12 Chris Sevilleja @chrisoncode Want a transpiration of pace from Bootstrap? Try Bulma. It's my BFF right now #bestframeworkforever scotch.io/bar-talk/get-t… 9:00 PM - 21 Sep 2017 20 84 Amir Azimi @AmirHassanAzimi Still like #bulma, increasingly than #bootstrap. Even the syntax is cleaner. @jgthms 3:45 PM - 1 Sep 2017 8 Dan Allen ✊ @mojavelinux @jgthms Thank you Jeremy. I really fathom your work. It ways a lot to me and my small business. 12:50 PM - 7 Jan 2018 6 Jeroen Coussement @coussej Spent months comparing frontend frameworks for both #css and #javascript. Settled on @jgthms's #bulmaio for CSS and @Rich_Harris's @sveltejs for Javascript. Works great, there is a well-spoken separation of squint and function, and the resulting lawmaking is super clean. Perfect philharmonic ! 🚀 4:35 PM - 24 Oct 2017 10 23 See increasingly love 🤗 So easy to learn Get a diamond started within minutes Francisco Cruz @atFranCruz So, I was making an exam and in a matter of 30 minutes I had my structure well-constructed with responsive, Bulma is crazy. Thanks @jgthms 3:01 PM - 28 May 2017 8 sawed-offSawed-offsawed-off is-primarySawed-offsawed-off is-primary is-largeSawed-offsawed-off is-primary is-large is-loadingSawed-offSo quick to customize Simply set your own Sass variables surpassing importing Bulma // Import a Google Font @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito:400,700'); // Set your trademark colors $purple: #8A4D76; $pink: #FA7C91; $brown: #757763; $beige-light: #D0D1CD; $beige-lighter: #EFF0EB; // Update Bulma's global variables $family-sans-serif: "Nunito", sans-serif; $grey-dark: $brown; $grey-light: $beige-light; $primary: $purple; $link: $pink; // Update some of Bulma's component variables $control-border-width: 2px; $input-background-color: $beige-lighter; $input-border-color: transparent; $input-shadow: none; // Import the rest of Bulma @import "../path/to/bulma";SurpassingBulma Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox Select dropdown Primary Link After Bulma Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox Select dropdown Primary Link No JavaScript required CSS only, so it integrates in any JS environment Robert Stuttaford @RobStuttaford bulma.io -- a CSS framework by @jgthms -- is lovely! No JS included, which ways no JS opinions included! 4:53 PM - 6 May 2017 16 48 This is unchangingly at the top Fullscreen vertical centering Include any content you want, it's unchangingly centered And this at the marrow And so much increasingly Join increasingly than 100,000 developers Get started Contribute #native_company# #native_desc# #native_cta# Support Bulma One-time donation Visit our sponsor Monthly donation New! The official Bulma book! 😲 by Jeremy Thomas, creator of Bulma, Oleksii Potiekhin,Mikko Lauhakari, Aslam Shah and David Berning A step-by-step guide that teaches you how to build a web interface from scratch using Bulma. Formats available: PDF Epub Mobi or Kindle PDF + Epub + Mobi Buy from Kindle version Buy from Or download a self-ruling sample ! Newsletter Features, releases, showcase… stay in the loop! Subscribe Bulma by Jeremy Thomas. @jgthms Source lawmaking licensed MIT. Website content licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Contribute on GitHub Share on social media Tweet Coming from Bootstrap An volitional to Bootstrap Expo See what you can build with Bulma Love Fans of Bulma Home Blog Automatic variables docs Migrating to v0.7.0 Website redesign Font Awesome 5 View all posts Documentation Overview Customize Modifiers Columns Layout Form Elements ComponentsIncreasinglyExpo Official Bulma showcase Love Fans of Bulma virtually the world Bulma start A tiny npm package to get started Made with Bulma The official polity token Coming from Bootstrap See how Bulma is an volitional to Bootstrap Patreon backers Everyone who is supporting Bulma Bulma extensions Side projects to enhance Bulma New! The official Bulma book! 😲 by Jeremy Thomas, creator of Bulma, Oleksii Potiekhin,Mikko Lauhakari, Aslam Shah and David Berning A step-by-step guide that teaches you how to build a web interface from scratch using Bulma. Formats available: PDF Epub Mobi or Kindle PDF + Epub + Mobi Buy from Kindle version Buy from Or download a self-ruling sample !